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The different types of improvisation

During an improv show, you will hear the words “compared” and “mixed” …

What does this mean exactly?


The different improvisation shows

There are different types of improvisation show:

  • The improvisation cabaret.
  • The improvisation match.
  • Short form
  • Long form
  • etc…

The improvisation cabaret is a show that takes place with a team of improvisers (called the jousters).
These jousters play in front of an audience in the presence of a master of ceremonies.
The master of ceremonies runs the show.

An improv match is made up of two teams competing against each other.
The referee manages the show and ensures that the rules of improvisation are respected.
In this show, the audience has the last word because they vote for their favourite improvisation.

It is during an improvisation match that you will hear these famous words ” comparative” and “mixed”.

Comparative improvisation.

A comparative improvisation is the fact of comparing the improvisations of the two teams. To do this, the referee has a small puck. On each side represents the team colour.
The referee throws it to the ground, the face that appears selects the team to start. So, the referee walks over to the winning team and asks them, “Do you take it or not? “.
If the team takes, they start. If they leave it, the opposing team starts.
You will hear the audience then shout, “How brave»!!

Then each team will take their turn.
Following this, the public votes by raising a card indicating their favourite improvisation!

Mixed improvisation.

Mixed improvisation is the mixing of teams.
After the caucus, at the first whistle, one person from each team goes on stage with a character.
They don’t know who they’re going to be playing with, so the first few seconds are really crucial for the skit to take hold!
During the improvisation, the jousters of the different teams can come in support to help the leaders in the improvisation (in the case of a free category).

Now that you are an expert on “comparative” and “mixed” improv, test your knowledge with our quiz: