Drama training, 2 days, 16-17/07/20, 10:00-18:00

What are you doing in the Summer? Dare a new activity with us!

Drama training of two days: 16-17/07/20

Program: Drama training, two days, in English.
Hour: 10am-6pm (with one hour of lunch time by Act’in)
Date: 16 & 17/07/20
Address: Studio 5, Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle lane SE1 7LG (Waterloo Station and Lambeth North Station)
Language: English
Teacher : Candice Desmet
Enrolment: Two days of Drama training.
Details: The adult program is focuses on relaxation, acceptance and self-focusing.
The exercises allow you to work on your personal emotions. The aim is to learn how to tame these emotions, and how to then use them, in an adequate and efficient way. It isn’t easy for adults to juggle their busy lives while being available for their loved ones.
Many people do not dare to start a new activity … and you?
