This show was created in 2018 and played for the second time on June 17th 2023 in London at the Courtyard Theater for the children of La Petite École des Crocodiles by the company Act’In Theatre.
Embark with Meggie and James in the wondrous story of the Magic of the Baobab tree… You will meet all sorts of characters, like Seydou, a very earnest but poor little boy. Sadly, not everyone is as kind as him, and everyday on his way to work, different strange characters stop him and annoy him with their problems. But Seydou will also be able to make friends, like the lion, the Baobab Spirit, the Princess, and Meggie and James, who will all help him in his misfortunes.
A tale full of beauty and morality, for the joy of children and their parents!
Written & directed by Candice Desmet.
Order the script: Soon!