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Improvisation videos



Improzac have their own channel!
As well as being able to watch our shows, treat yourself to Improzac Time!
This is your chance to see a sketch by the Improzacs of 1 to 2 minutes, it’s your Improzac prescription for your week!

Our shows

Improv' Show: Part 2, The Parentheticals

Improv’ Show (2023)
Title: Improv’ Show #2, Part 2
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Thursday 30th of May 2024
Language: French
Length: 36 min 19s

Improv' Show: Part 1, Improv games

Improv’ Show (2023)
Title: Improv’ Show #2, Part 1
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Thursday 30th of May 2024
Language: French
Length: 52 min 12s

Improvisation Match (2024)

Improvisation Match (2024)
Title: Improv Match LITO – LICOEUR – IMPROZAC
Location: The Cervantes Theatre, London
Date: Saturday 18th of May 2024
Language: French
Length : 1 hour 45 min 50 s

In'Terval#4: Thread of Life (2024)

In’Terval’#4 (2023)
Title: Thread of Life, The Parentheticals
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Thursday the 14th March 2024
Language: English
Length : 47 min 27 s

Rediscover Classical Plays#4: Tragedy special

Classical (2024)
Title: Rediscover Classical Plays #4
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Thursday 22nd of February 2024
Language: French
Length: 49 min 51s

Improv cabaret: Halloween special (2023)

Cabaret 100% improvisation
Title: Improv cabaret: Halloween special
Location: IKLECTIC, London
Date: Sunday 5th of Novermber 2023
Language: French
Length : 1 hour 27 min 39 s

Entre Act' #9: To each their own Star (2022)

Entre Act’ #8 (2022)
Title: To each their own Star (À chacun son Étoile)
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Tuesday 13th of December 2022
Language: French
Length : 51 min 45 s

Entre Act' #8: The die is cast (2022)

Entre Act’ #8 (2022)
Title: The die is cast (les D sont jetés)
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 26th 0f October 2022
Language: French
Length : 41 min 58 s

Entre Act' #3: GANGSTERS (2020)

Entre Act’ #3 (2020)
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 19th 0f February 2020
Language: French
Length : 35 min 31 s

Entre Act' #2: Fou_Crazy (2019)

Entre Act’ #2 (2019)
Title: Fou _ Crazy
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 04th of December 2019
Language: French
Length: 22 min 53s

PODCAST, Entre Act' #2: Fou_Crazy

Entre Act’ #2 (2019)
Title: Fou _ Crazy
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 04th of December 2019
Language: French
Length: 19 min 02

Entre Act' #1: Le Dérapage (2019)

Entre Act’ #1 (2019)
Title: Le Dérapage _ The Slippage
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Tuesday 05th of November 2019
Language: French
Length: 30 min 13

Show de la troupe IMPROZAC 2019

Show of the season 2019
Title: Under The Spotlight
Location: Cervantes Theatre, London
Date: Saturday 22nd & 23rd of June 2019
Language: French
Length : 34min19

Show de la troupe IMPROZAC 2018

Show of the season 2018
Title: Le Pépin de la Discorde
Location: Chelsea Theatre, London
Date: Saturday 23rd of June 2018
Language: French
Length: 59min

Rehearsals & Backstage of Act'in Theatre

Entre Act' #3, The backstage

Entre Act’ #3 (2020) The backstage
Title: GANGSTERS, Backstage
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 19th 0f February 2020
Language: French (with English subtitles)
Length:  2 min 32 s

Entre Act' #2, The backstage

Entre Act’ #2 (2019) The backstage
Title: Fou – Crazy, Backstage
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Wednesday 04th of December 2019
Language: French (with English subtitles)
Length : 5 min 56 s

Entre Act' #1, The backstage

Entre Act’ #1 (2019) The backstage
Title: Le Dérapage – The Slippage, Backstage
Location: Toulouse Lautrec Theatre, London
Date: Tuesday 05th of November 2019
Language: French (with English subtitles)
Length: 6 min 24 s

The backstage of the show 2018

Backstage of the show of the season 2018
Title: The backstage of the show 2018
Location: Chelsea Theatre, London
Date: Saturday 23rd of June 2018
Language: French (with English subtitles)
Length : 9min 02s

In live ...

Video for the audience 2018
Title: In live from the backstage…
Location: Act’in Theatre, London
Date: May 2018
Language: French
Length : 11min 44s

Rehearsal 2018

Rehearsal of Act’in Theatre
Title: Rehearsal for “Le Pépin de la Discorde” show
Location: Network Theatre, London
Date: May 2017
Length : 1min 04s

Act'in Theatre Classes