This immersive show was created and produced for the first time on 24th March 2024 in Saint John’s Church, Waterloo, in London, by the company Act’in Theatre.
This Sunday 24th Marsh, Act’In Theatre and its troupe Les Gueules de Bois have prepared a (very!) special evening in a unique format.
20 actors, 4 rooms, 6 scenes, for an immersive theater show, played in French, right in the heart of London! It’s the audience who chooses, moving from one room to another, according to the performances actors and actresses.
“A poor woman” is someone in need or, pejoratively, a narrow-minded woman… But in the end, what does she truly represent? Will she be a sister, a wife, a mother, a desperate lover, a Mayor, a Mayoral candidate, an administrative assistant, a counselor, or a social worker? Form your opinion and come meet your version of “poor women.”
Genuine, touching, or downright irritating characters, in scenes with original scripts written by Candice Desmet.
More than just a show, Act’in and “Gueules de Bois” offer you an experience. A delightful evening, with the opportunity to enjoy drinks and snacks during the performance!
Written and directed by Candice Desmet.
Order the script: Soon!