This show was created and produced for the first time in London at the Institut Français on 30th June 2024 by Act’in Theatre with Les P’tit Act students.
Embark with the crew for a journey on the Sea of Thoughts. The Captain and his crew are in search of the Isle of Dreams… Will they find it?
On this 30th June, parents and guests have had the chance to discover the young actors from Les P’tits Act’ of Kentish Town and South Kensington, in a children’s play written by Candice Desmet and performed at the Institut Français.
But the afternoon didn’t end there! The public welcomed “Les Eclairs de génie”, our children’s improvisation troupe. The sketches the children came up with blew everyone’s minds, and voting cards stired the air! Nothing is written down, everything comes from the children’s imagination, according to the referee’s instructions and constraints. It’s all about creativity and spontaneity!
And because when there’s no more, there’s still more, the afternoon closed with the presentation of a film by the cinema workshop’s young students. After discovering French films and some filming and editing techniques, our young actors have stepped in front of the camera for a story that travels back in time…!
Written & directed by Candice Desmet.
Watch a trailer of the show: Soon!
Order the script: Soon!